David Reinking
Professor of Education
Representative Publications
Digital literacy (conceptual and theoretical)
Reinking, D. (2019). Shattering the crystal goblet: Seeking a pedagogy of visuality in post-typographic expository texts. Journal of Literacy and Technology, 20(1), 9-45.
Available at: http://www.literacyandtechnology.org/current-issue.html
Reinking, D., & Colwell, J. (2015). A brief history of information sources in the late 20th and early 21st centuries (a simulation). In R. Spiro M. DeSchryver, M. Schira-Hagerman, P. Morsink, & P. Thompson (Eds.), Reading at a crossroads? Disjunctures and continuities in current conceptions and practices (pp. 3-20). Routledge: New York.
Howell, E., Reinking, D., & Kaminski, R. (2015). Writing as creative design: Constructing multimodal arguments in a multiliteracies framework. The Journal of Literacy and Technology, 16, 2-36.
Howell, E. and Reinking, D. (2015). Connecting in and out-of-school writing through digital tools. In R. Anderson & C. Mims (Eds.) Handbook of research on digital tools for writing instruction in K-12 settings. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Colwell, J., Hutchison, A. C., & Reinking, D. (2012). Using social network blogs to promote literacy response during teachers’ professional development. Language Arts, 89, 230-241.
Reinking, D. (2009). Valuing reading, writing, and books in a post-typographic world. In D. Nord, J. Rubin, & M. Schudson (Eds.), The history of the book in America: Volume 5 (pp. 485-502.) University of North Carolina Press.
Digital literacy (research)
Howell, E., Butler, T., & Reinking, D. (2017). Integrating multimodal arguments into high school writing instruction. Journal of Literacy Research, 49, 181-209.
Colwell, J., & Reinking, D. (2016). A formative experiment to align middle-school history instruction with literacy goals. Teachers College Record, 118, 1-42.
Pang, S., Reinking, D., Hutchison, A., & Ramey, D. (2015). South Korean teachers perceptions of integrating information and communication technologies into literacy instruction. Education Research International, 2015, Article ID 78359. Available at: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/edri/2015/783593/
Colwell, J., Hunt-Barron, S., & Reinking, D. (2013). Obstacles to developing digital literacy on the Internet in middle-school science instruction. Journal of Literacy Research, 45, 295-324.
Hutchison, A.C., & Reinking, D. (2011). Teachers’ perceptions of integrating information and communication technologies into literacy instruction: A national survey in the U.S. Reading Research Quarterly, 46, 312-333.
Design-based research and formative experiments (rationale and method)
Reinking, D. (2021). Forward. In Z. A., Philippakos, E. Howell, & A. Pellegrino (Eds.), Design-based research in education (pp. ix-xx). New York: Guilford.
Reinking, D. (2012). Beyond the laboratory and lens: New metaphors for literacy research. In P. L. Dunston, L. B. Gambrell, S. K. Fullerton, P. M. Stecker, V. R. Gillis, & C. C. Bates (Eds.), 60th Yearbook of the Literacy Research Association (pp. 1-17). Oak Creek, WI: Literacy Research Association.
Reinking, D., & Bradley, B.A. (2008). On formative and design experiments. New York: Teachers College Press.
Design-based research and formative experiments (research)
Bradley, B. A., & Reinking, D. (2011). A formative experiment to enhance child language interaction in a pre-school classroom. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy. 11, 362-401.
Colwell, J., Hunt-Barron, S., & Reinking, D. (2012). Obstacles to developing digital literacy on the Internet in middle-school science instruction. Journal of Literacy Research, 89 (4), 232-243.
Teacher Education and Educational Practice
Reinking, D., & Reinking, S. L. (2022). Why phonics (in English) is so difficult to teach, learn, and apply: What caregivers and teachers need to know. The Journal of Reading Recovery, 22 (1), 5-19.
Reinking, D. (2021). Forward. In J. Warner (Ed.), Failure before success: Teachers describe what they learned from mistakes (pp. xi-xiv). New York: Rowman & Littlefield.
Reinking, D., & Colwell, J. (2012). National accreditation of education schools: Has it improved teacher and education leadership programs? The counterpoint position (pp. 44-53). In A. J. Eakle, (Ed.), Curriculum and instruction: Debating issues in American education. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Reinking, D. (2007). Toward a good or better understanding of best practice. Journal of Curriculum and Instruction. Accessed December 15, 2007 from http://www.joci.ecu.edu/index.php/JoCI